Multi Dwelling
Multi Dwelling Homes are a perfect way to effectively utilize all the area in your building. Do the most with your investment by designing two or more occupancy houses. At Technik Homes we can build or assist in the construction of your dual occupancy villa or a secondary dwelling connected to your main building. Multi family house designing is popular and used all over the world because of its effectiveness and market value.
Some of the benefits that come from building and living in multi dwelling homes are lower energy consumption, higher investment value, the social factor.
Multi dwelling homes will always consume far less electricity than a multi-unit building. When it comes to heating and cooling down a multi dwelling house the story is identical and this modern choice will save you tons of money in the long run.
When investing in real estate, turning to multi dwelling homes is definitely a good decision. Having a more reliable monthly income as your income will not depend only on one tenant is a perfect situation that everybody will embrace. This also means that you will have a better return of investment ratio as more income per square foot is quite possible with the right planning and execution. Housing two or three families in the same area can really turn a profit.
The other side of this coin is less risk for your monthly earnings, as we all know that tenants can sometimes move out without any prior notice. When owning and renting out more than one housing unit the chance of losing all your monthly profit at once is close to zero.
Multi family homes are the perfect choice for people who grew up in big families with many relatives in one house. Such people need to be part of a socium to feel at home and a separate distant house will definitely not give them the same satisfaction.
Our Technik Homes team is consisted of architects, builders, electricity and bathroom specialists and can help and lead your whole multi dwelling process from the planning and actual building or re-designing, to the functional and aesthetic steps. Contacts us and let us start planning!